Customizing your login screens

Screen URLs  can be found under: Admin > Setting > Passwords tab

 Customise login screen


The login screen can be customised from the CMS module.

Go to : CMS Sites > Select "public" site > Go to "pages" tab and select the "login" screen.


 Now You can modify the login page and the CSS properties.


Alternatively, the login page can be copied, and customised. The login URL will have to be updated in the setting screen.



Social features are integrated into the core of the CMS


When articles are published the built in social integration automatically posts the article to the requested social sites.

When posting to twitter the title and subtitle are automatically shorten to within the 140 character limit.

All published articles are automatically published via the RSS feed.

The CMS automatically generates an XML Sitemap which can be submitted to search engines for faster indexing of new content.

Is workflow customizable?


Workflow is a series of activities that form a real world process and defines the order in which these activities are processed and their dependencies. In a software sense, ' work flow' refers to the triggering of events and the processing of corresponding actions. This process turns a software application from being simply a data entry and retrieval system into a business application that reflects business processes, thus increasing both quality and productivity and reducing costs.

System security overview



stSoftware designs systems to meet or exceed all aspects of the Australian Government Protective Security Policy Framework PSPF. At stSoftware, we take security very seriously. Our ephemeral workload servers are locked down to be accessed only via bastion hosts; the support team can only access the bastion hosts themselves via secure shell from specific IP addresses. 


stSoftware follows Infrastructure as Code principles for all AWS services.

Does the CMS include a script manager?


Every page can define a script and/or include a number of script modules.

Page scripts

Each script module can have many versions of the JavaScript. 

Script Module

Each script version can specify what is the maximum and/or minimum browser version compatible with this script. The page can specify the a maximum version number for inclusion or just the script module. The script manager will include the highest compatible script version.

Script Version

New control panel pages


Create new looking pages for QuickStart, Contacts, Business Units, Quotes, Jobs, Financials, Inventory, Purchases, Timesheets and Subscription

QuickStart page:


Quotes page:


How to change the standard screen ?

1. Open CMS Site menu, open the data entry screen for site "intranet"


2. Click the "Clone" button for the page you'd like to modify, enter a path, eg: cp/myQuickStart and click "OK" button


3. go to Customize/Menus, open the Control Panel menu


4. Open the QuickStart menu, change the url to /site

User Access Control Limits


Every class in the system has ACLs (Access Control Limits ) which prevent CRUD ( Create, Read, Update and Delete) of records that are unauthorized. These ACLs are applied to all requests regardless of where or how the requests is made.

The same ACLs apply to web forms, SOAP requests, ReST or any other protocol.

Access Control Limits

Rotating Banner ads

yes, the site owner can/should be able to change anything.

And technically they can as it's all just JavaScript/HTML/CSS.

An example is SRL when they publish an article the banner image is placed on the carousel and linked to the article. The page reads this information from the RSS feed. 

Article Banner



Content Management System (CMS)


The stSoftware CMS is a complete online solution with everything you’d expect from an advanced CMS, plus a whole lot more to give you greater control over your website and business data, and unify your communications.

Designed to make it easy to manage the flow of content across multiple websites, our CMS is the ideal solution for group-based organisations such as franchise networks, enterprises and government agencies.

Aged breakdown of job charges according to billing cycle

Categories in the job summary screen (Not Completed, Ready to Invoice, Balance Payable, Paid)

Not Completed

Sum all the labour charges/tasks which are still opened.
This will give us indication about how long the tasks are still opened.

    • Current - we started to work on the task in the last 7 days
    • 7 days - we started to work on the task more then 7 days ago but less then 14 days ago.
    • 14 days - we started to work on the task more then 14 days ago but less then 30 days ago.
    • 30 days - we started to work on the task

Easily integrated with other web applications through open standards.


Users may access all allowed data via the Web Forms or via Industry standard protocols such as:

  • ReST which returns data in both JSON and XML formats. 
  • SOAP 
  • WebDav
  • ICal 
  • JDBC

All requests for data or modification to data goes via the DAL ( Data Access Layer) no matter which protocol is used. There is NO direct access to the underlying data store. The DAL checks the ACLs ( Access Control Limits ) for each data request and performs all validations on each data modification. When data is modified

How to access ST data from Microsoft Excel via ReST web service


Excel connection details

1. Click the Data menu, select Import External Data/New Web Query

2. Enter the XML REST address in the Address field, and click "Go" button, the login dialogue pops up, use your ST system user name and password to login


3. You should see the XML below it once you login.

4.Click the little yellow array on the top left of the XML to select the XML to import, then click "Import" button

5. select the position to import the data and click "OK" button to import.


6. Data imported


Validation for Emails, phone numbers, first and last names.

 The following field validations have been added.

Field Validation Reason

The host name for the email will be looked up to match sure it's valid and active.

The email must match the following pattern:-


Examples of valid and invalid email addresses:-

  • abc@.
When sending emails a large number of bouncing emails will cause our servers to be marked as spammers